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Selected Topics on China

时间:2020-09-08 11:45

Lecture Time:

Monday 19:10-21:45 p.m. Siming Campus

Wednesday 15:25-18:20 p.m. Xiang’an Campus


Room101, Jimei 2 Bldg.Siming Campus

Room B504, NO.1 Bldg.Xiang’an Campus

Total Hours32

Credits: 2

TA’s name:

Hong Yulin, 854518247@qq.com

Cai Wanxia, caiwanxia@xmu.edu.cn


Attendance of lectures is mandatory. Students are encouraged to contribute to the in-class discussions on all topics. A quiz may be given in relation to the topic previously covered. Each student should try to develop his or her interest in a particular area and be prepared to write a short paper with minimum 2000 words about his or her understanding of the topics taught by one of the five teachers.


Students' final grades will be based on (1) objective scores they accumulate during the course and (2) the instructors' evaluation of the students' performance, participation, progress and efforts. The objective scores will be calculated on the basis of the following components:

Participation 25%

Quiz 35%

Final paper 40%


Module I: Chinese Society & Culture (Lectures 1-2)

Siming Campus: Week 1-2

Xiang’an Campus: Week 1-2

Instructor: Lyu Yunfang

Email: lyf@xmu.edu.cn


Description: Contemporary Chinese society has been greatly transformed by the modernization process in the recent two centuries based on its more-than-5000-year tradition. This part of the lecture series will help students understand current China better by discussing this transformation process at personal, familial and social levels.


Topics to be covered(on which your term papers should be based):

1. Start with Xiamen: how this small city manifests the history of modern China

2. Relationship of Chinese characteristics: from traditional to online society

3. Health care in China

4. Gender issues


Reading materials:

1.Yan Yunxiang, The Individualization of Chinese Society, Berg Publishers, 2009

2.Prasenjit Duara, The Global and Regional in China's Nation-Formation. London ; New York: Routledge, 2009

3.Mayfair Mei-hui Yang, Chinese Religiosities: Afflictions of Modernity and State Formation, UC Berkeley, 2008

4. Lisa Rofel: Other Modernities: Gendered Yearnings in China after Socialism. University of California Press, 1999.



Module : Innovation Management of Chinese Firms (Lectures 3-4)

Siming Campus: Week 3-4

Xiang’an Campus: Week 3-4

Special Lecture Time(Only week 3-4):

Monday 19:10-21:45 p.m. Siming Campus

Tuesday 15:25-18:20 p.m. Xiang’an Campus

Instructor: Yanting Guo

Email: gyt@xmu.edu.cn

Description: Innovation is increasingly emphasized as the source of sustainable competitive advantage all around the world. This part of the lecture will provide basic concepts, theories and frameworks of innovation. It helps student understand how Chinese firms that had initially low level capabilities and that competed against advanced multinational corporations in their domestic market manage to survive, grow and catch-up in different industries.

Topics to be covered:

1. Learning, innovation, and technological catch-up of Chinese firms

2. Non-R&D innovation of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China

3. Digital innovation of Chinese firms

Reading materials:

1. Fan, P., 2006, “Catching up through developing innovation capability: Evidence from China's telecom-equipment industry”, Technovation, 26(3), 359-368.

2. Fu, X., Sun, Z., and Ghauri, P.N., “Reverse knowledge acquisition in emerging market MNEs: The experiences of Huawei and ZTE”, Journal of Business Research, 93, 202-215.

3. Lee, K. and Malerba, F., “Catch-up cycles and changes in industrial leadership: Windows of opportunity and responses of firms and countries in the evolution of sectoral systems”, Research Policy, 46(2), 338-351.

Module: Introduction to Chinese Law (Lectures 5-6)

Siming Campus: Week 5-6

Xiang’an Campus: Week 5-6

Instructor: Fang Dong

E-mail: fangdong@xmu.edu.cn

Description: The course provides an overview of the basic institutions of legal system that is operating in Mainland China, and the fundamental concepts in the core areas of

Chinese Law. The emphasis of the teaching is on the distinctive features of the Chinese legal system, and major similarities and differences between this system and Western legal systems (including the common law based legal system).

Reading materials:

  1. A Brief Introduction to the Chinese Judicial System and Court Hierarchy Yifan Wang, Sarah Biddulph and Andrew Godwin, ALC BRIEFING PAPERS, at


  1. The Legal system of China from Pkulaw.com, at http://en.pkulaw.cn/Legal/index.aspx


Module: Chinese Civilization (Lectures7-8)

Siming Campus Week 7-8

Xiang’an CampusWeek 7-8

Instructor: CHEN Boyi

E-mail: bychen@xmu.edu.cn

Description: This part of the lecture is an introduction to China as a diverse and dynamic site of political and cultural entities and historical developments using as our selected topics and issues that link various periods in China’s past with the present. Ongoing concerns will be the values—both personal and social—that develop and change through China’s many ongoing traditions and that inform social stratification, political organization, and the concepts and rationales through which Chinese people have identified their cultural heritage.



Topics to be covered (on which your term papers should be based):

1. Political Traditions: The Confucian/Legalist State and Enforcing Public Morality

2. Social Traditions: The Family, Gender Relations, Personal Identities, and the State

3. Late Imperial Legal Traditions and the Global Economy

4. Chinese Responses to the Modern Age: The Early 20th Century


Reading materials:

1. Patricia Ebrey, The Cambridge Illustrated History of China, 2nd ed. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

2. Jonathan D. Spence, The Search for Modern China, 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1999; 2012.

3. John K. Fairbank, China: Tradition and Transformation, Rev. ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1989.

Module: Chinese Architecture (Lectures 9-10)

Siming CampusWeek 9-10

Xiang’an CampusWeek 9-10

Instructor: HAN Jie

E-mail: hj@xmu.edu.cn

Description: Ancient Chinese Architecture played an important role in shaping the body of world architecture system in ancient times. Modern Chinese Architecture has been largely transformed along with the process of modernization and globalization. This part of lecture will mainly center on the introduction of both Ancient Chinese Architecture and Modern Chinese Architecture in order to help students establish a general understanding of the ideology, system, types, tradition, and culture of dwellings, and cities in China.

Topics to be covered:

1. Ancient Chinese Architecture

2. Ancient Chinese Cities

3. Traditional Chinese settlements

4. Modern Chinese Architecture and Urban life

5. Urban Conservation in China

6. Historic Architecture in Xiamen

Reading materials:

1. Liangyong, Wu . "A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture" by Prof. Liang Ssuch'eng." Architectural Journal (1985).

2. Wang, MinYing. "The historicization of Chinese architecture: The making of architectural historiography in China, from the late nineteenth century to 1953." Dissertations & Theses - Gradworks(2010).

3. Ho, Puay Peng . "Chinese Architecture (review)." China Review International 11.1(2004):77-81.

4. Ssu-ch'eng, and Liang. A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture : A Study of the Development of Its Structural System an. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984.

5. Wenyi, Zhu . "Contemporary Chinese Architecture Measurements." Architectural Journal (2012).